Dec 28, 2022
So today I recorded an episode where I share exactly how I got myself back into the inspired action mode after losing our amazing dog. Life is not always easy, but we do have a choice in how we deal with things, and how long we allow ourselves to go off the radar. I hope this episode serves you well.
Topics that I...
Dec 17, 2022
Yesterday I recorded an inspired action podcast episode and 3 super valuable takeaways came out of it.
This episode is especially valuable for you if you are a MG (manifesting generator) like me.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Dec 5, 2022
It’s so easy to stop believing when things don’t go your way immediately. But you must always remember that there is always something bigger at play. There is always a higher purpose. So what if everything that happened to you, everything you went through this past year had a purpose? The purpose of showing you that...