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Dec 12, 2023

Biggest take aways: 

All business aspects where separated 
Charged small prices and from a conditioned place
Didn’t know how to show up online

All business aspects integrated 
Now is comfortable showing up online and knowing what to post. 
And even if she doesn’t she knows what to do to get back...

Dec 11, 2023

Do you ever feel that doing your daily gratitude gets a little boring?? Discover a new creative way to do your daily gratitude in this behind the scenes episode where I share my daily gratitude and alignment work. πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

πŸ‘‰ link to my journal from...

Dec 10, 2023

Remember that movie Cast away with Tom Hanks? Well that movie turned out to be perfect example for me to showcase how the manifestation process works, why most people don’t succeed in this process and what makes manifesting so hard. Including short meditation at the end. 

πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ Enjoy 

Links mentioned: 

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Dec 9, 2023

One of the things I love to do before I go to bed is to set an intention for the next day. 

I have a very specific way to do this that allows me to create intentions from my soul instead of from my mind. 


I share the exact exercise in my new podcast episode πŸ‘‰πŸŽ§ Episode 515. Intention setting 2.0, start...

Dec 8, 2023

Short episode on my way to the supermarket about my new launch. And how I have decided to not do 1 free live event this month but two 3 day live events. A great example of how to use your responding strategy in your business. Hope you enjoy! 

First 3 day live event is now online. Subscribe here. FREE 3 day live πŸ’•...